As the weather warms, muskies move out of the shallows. This means the deeper waters of the Lake of the Woods are some of the best places for musky fishing in Canada during the summer. The bigger specimens will be over the deepest parts of the water, which means you might want to consider trolling to nab them faster and cover more surface area. Although not everyone has the patience for this technique, those who are willing to tough it out could cash in big time.
- Trolling for muskies in the summer works well near rocky points, sharp break-lines and underwater humps. Change up the color of your lure and vary the depths to experience the best chance of success.
Continue to move your baits quickly, as you did in the spring, but now select a bait between six to 10 inches. Entice the fish by increasing your trolling speed.
One trick to remember is to keep your lures on a short line directly in the prop wash of your motor. This works especially well in shallow waters with plenty of weeds growing along the shoreline.